
chocolate fudge frosting cupcake

全蛋海绵杯子蛋糕,搭配chocolate fudge frosting,相信可以赢得小孩子的欢心。:)
joy of baking 有不错的食谱,我喜欢~

乐乐开开心心地带着小蛋糕到学校跟朋友们分享~ :)

4 条评论:

  1. Hi, girl, thanks for your concern. I'm fine here. Just want to take a break because blogging is very time consuming & also need to settle a few personal things. Hope I can go back in a month time or may be longer! Sorry that I haven't been visiting you for a while because I promised myself not my best not to touch blogging though sometimes I still break the rule, hahaha! You take care & I will come when my "break" is over!

    1. hi Jessie, good that you are fine. It's always good to take a break, right here waiting for you,take your time! and take care too.
